Prophetic Word: Tell my people that today is a day you have been waiting for! February 27, 2025

by | Feb 27, 2025 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Prophetic Word: Tell my people that today is a day you have been waiting for!

February 27, 2025

Respectfully Submitted

Barry Wunsch


This morning during time with the Lord He dropped a word on me and here it is fresh out of the chute.



Barry, tell my people that today is a day you have been waiting for.

What is about to be released is only the beginning.

There are those that think that they have gotten away with things, but they will be sadly mistaken.

There is nothing they have tried to destroy that I have not protected for today and the days to come.

What you are about to see is going to change the world forever.

The deception the witchcraft that has been playing out behind closed doors is about to be blown wide open!

Do not be surprised for the evil kings and Cabal push back.

For just as you strike a hive with a stick produces a swarm to attack,

so it will be as I strike this bee hive once and for all for the world to see!


Rest assured that not one ounce of evidence shall get by Me or those I have called to bring justice to all who are accountable for their actions.


There is nothing that shall get by Me!


I have shaken the Vatican before, but nothing like what is about to be released now in this hour!


I am pulling the cover off of what has been hidden in plain sight!


The Pope has made his choice a long time ago as to who he serves. And it is not Me or my ways.

He has hardened his heart and now is paying the great price.


There shall be a revival breaking forth out of the Catholic Church, many know Me, as I know them and I shall fill them My power and anointing to lead those I have entrusted to them into My Kingdom ways and understanding!


They will have an authority that is greatly needed in this hour as they humble themselves and come unto Me.


Watch in the days ahead as I expose every evil root in the Nations to see them pulled and cast into the fire!


Prepare for revival and reformation is at hand!


You are soon going to see the Governments that you have trusted shaken to the core, torn down and removed not in a way that you expect!


Barry, tell my people the ground is being prepared even on this day for what is coming.


The stakes have never been higher.


Choose again on this day, whom are you going to serve.

Remember I look at the heart and not just lip service. Words are cheap.

Show me by the deeds and actions as you rededicate your life to me!

Cast away everything, every thought that hinders you and holds you back from Me and My purposes in your life.

You can rest assured that there is nothing too big for Me to handle. I know it all anyway, so release it to me today, it is my desire to see you succeed and prosper in Me and through Me alone!


Stay in the Light as I am the Light, and darkness will not overtake you – I promise you that!



Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer

PO Box 25069 Deer Park

Red Deer Alberta, T4R 2M2



God Bless and Protect you and your families!

God Bless and Protect Israel!

God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!

God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!